One of the first in-person events to launch after the global pandemic, Money20/20 Europe took place in Amsterdam during late September 2021. During the show, Tech Finance Daily caught up with a number of companies to chew the fat over what the last 18-months looked like for them and what the key focus was now.
This time, Frederick Crosby – chief revenue officer at NIUM, sat down with Editor-in-Chief Gina Clarke to discuss more.
Nium was born out of a mission to simplify the payments experience for consumers and businesses around the world.
Today, the Nium platform connects business to the world’s payment infrastructure through one API. Its modular platform for Pay In, Pay Out and Card-Issuance allows banks, payment providers, travel companies and other businesses to collect and disburse funds in local currencies to over 100 countries, plus issue physical and virtual cards globally.